An Unparalleled EMF Expert: Olle Johansson


Renowned neuroscientist Olle Johansson stands as a beacon of expertise in EMF research, with a focus on the biological implications of exposure. Through rigorous methodologies like immunohistochemistry, Johansson probes into electrohypersensitivity (EHS)—a condition affecting up to 290,000 Swedes—and its cellular repercussions. His studies also delve into the neurobiological changes, particularly in calcium ion channels crucial for cellular function. Armed with a large portfolio of peer-reviewed publications, Johansson advocates for stringent safety guidelines, underscoring the urgency for caution in EMF-rich environments. His authoritative stance adds weight to the ongoing discourse, encouraging informed, health-centric choices

Aires Answers: Frequently Asked Questions


Publicly Traded Company We are a Canadian company and went public in Canada. Therefore, we are currently traded on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) as WIFI. We are OTC in the United States as a cross-listing. You can view of CSE listing here:   Nanotechnology You will see us use this word to describe our […]

Dangers of 5G: A Saskatoon Case Study


In the age of 5G technology, it is crucial to pay close attention to potential health risks. Saskatoon’s presentation by Professor Joel M. Moskowitz emphasized the urgent need to scrutinize the safety of wireless microwave radiation. As the city plans for technological advancement, ecological damage and adverse effects on human health, such as oxidative effects and DNA damage, must be considered. The growing body of evidence calls for the City Council to demand safety proof, thoroughly evaluate potential risks, and take proactive measures. Staying informed is key to shaping a future that balances modernity and safety.

Guide to Improving Immune System Health


In our technology-driven world, exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from devices like Wi-Fi routers and cell phones is unavoidable. Studies have hinted at a link between EMFs and immune system suppression, making it crucial to strengthen our defenses. Strategies include minimizing EMF exposure by turning off devices when not in use and creating low EMF zones using shielding materials. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods, practicing stress-reduction techniques, ensuring quality sleep, and investing in EMF protection gear can further enhance immunity against potential EMF effects. By consciously taking these steps, we can protect our health and reduce the risk of illness in an EMF-infused world.

The Unintended EMF Radiation of SpaceX Starlink Satellites


Have you ever considered the health risks posed by the ever-expanding satellite constellations? Recent revelations about SpaceX Starlink satellites emitting electromagnetic radiation have brought a hidden concern to the forefront. This blog dives into the groundbreaking findings, delves into the potential risks of EMF radiation leakage, and uncovers the impact on both human health and astronomical research. Join us as we explore the uncharted territory of unintended emissions, their consequences, and the way forward in the realm of satellite technology.

EMFs from Underwater Power Cables: A Threat to Marine Life

EMFs from Underwater Power Cables: A Threat to Marine Life - airestech

Underwater power cables, particularly associated with offshore wind farms, have raised concerns about their impact on marine life. A recent study on lobster larvae sheds light on the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) generated by these cables. The research revealed that EMF exposure led to impaired swimming abilities and increased deformities in lobster larvae. This poses a significant threat to lobster populations and emphasizes the need for wildlife conservation. The study also compared the effects on crabs, showing how different species respond to EMF exposure differently. As society transitions to sustainable energy, we must be mindful of potential environmental impacts and prioritize marine ecosystem protection. Collaborative efforts are vital for developing projects with sufficient wildlife conservation consideration.

Advocacy Groups Challenge FDA Over Radiation Exposure

Advocacy Groups Challenge FDA Over Radiation Exposure - airestech

A coalition of advocacy groups has criticized the FDA for allegedly failing to protect the public from radiation exposures associated with electronic devices. They argue that the FDA has not been transparent or accurate in informing the public about the potential health risks, particularly for children and in the workplace. The FCC’s outdated standards for wireless radiation exposure have also been questioned. As technology continues to advance, organizations recommend stricter exposure limits and urge regulatory bodies like the FDA and FCC to prioritize public health.

The American Broadband Deployment Act (H.R. 3557): A Threat to Local Autonomy

The American Broadband Deployment Act (H.R. 3557): A Threat to Local Autonomy - airestech

The American Broadband Deployment Act (H.R. 3557) poses a significant threat to local autonomy. Designed to fast-track wireless infrastructure, it bypasses critical state and local safeguards, potentially leading to unchecked cell tower installations near homes, schools, and parks. This not only raises health and environmental concerns but also jeopardizes our privacy and cultural heritage. Essentially, while the act promises enhanced connectivity, it leans heavily towards corporate interests, sidelining community welfare. It’s crucial for communities to voice their concerns and ensure their interests aren’t overshadowed by a one-size-fits-all federal directive.

Mobile Towers Exceeding EMF Radiation Limits

Mobile Towers Exceeding EMF Radiation Limits - airestech

In a concerning revelation, the Indian Ministry of Telecommunications reported that 320 mobile towers were found exceeding safe Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation limits. The Department of Telecommunications, after testing over 1.16 million Base Transceiver Stations, levied penalties of Rs 13.10 crore on the defaulting telecom providers. Excessive EMF radiation can lead to serious health problems, including potential cancer, reproductive issues, and neurological disorders. The escalating adoption of 5G technology, demanding higher mobile tower density, only intensifies this issue. As we continue leveraging technology, prioritizing health, and staying informed about EMF radiation becomes indispensable.

The Disguised Threat: How EMF Radiation Negatively Impacts Wildlife

The Disguised Threat: How EMF Radiation Negatively Impacts Wildlife - airestech

Explore the unseen threat of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation and its potential impact on wildlife. As our world becomes increasingly digital, the omnipresent EMF radiation from our devices and infrastructure may be causing significant harm to our ecosystems. From disrupting bird migration to contributing to the decline of insect populations, EMF radiation poses a serious environmental challenge. Understand the balance we need to strike between technological advancement and environmental preservation. Our technological progress should not come at the cost of our planet’s health.