What is the Blood Brain Barrier? EMF + the BBB

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Have you heard of a “leaky gut”? It essentially describes the weakening of the intestinal barrier – in the same light, we can also have a “leaky brain”. Unsurprisingly, this is when a certain barrier (BBB) up there is weakened. When this is compromised, our brain is more prone to chemicals and other damaging stressors. 

What is the Blood Brain Barrier?

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly selective membrane that separates the circulating blood from the brain’s extracellular fluid (liquid not in cells). It is a critical defense mechanism that protects the brain from harmful substances and maintains a stable environment for optimal neural function. The BBB is made up of a complex network of different types of endothelial cells, pericytes, and astrocytes working together to regulate the exchange of substances between the blood and the brain.

EMF and the BBB Research

However, there has been research providing evidence that electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation can significantly affect the BBB’s permeability (ability to let substances in), resulting in potentially harmful consequences for brain function. EMF radiation is produced by a wide range of electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and Wi-Fi routers. It is a type of non-ionizing radiation that can penetrate the BBB and interact with the brain’s cells and tissues.

One study conducted in 1994 by Salford and colleagues found that low-level EMF radiation exposure caused a significant increase in BBB permeability in rats. The study’s authors concluded that this could potentially lead to increased exposure of the brain to harmful substances and increase the risk of neurological disorders. Another study conducted in 2020 by Tohidi and colleagues found similar results in mice exposed to long-term EMF radiation.

The exact mechanisms by which EMF radiation affects the BBB are still not fully understood, but it is believed that the radiation can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain’s cells, leading to changes in the BBB’s structure and function. This can lead to increased permeability of the BBB, allowing harmful substances to enter the brain and potentially cause damage.

Read more about EMF and oxidative stress here.

Impacts of EMF Radiation on BBB

The effects of EMF radiation on the BBB have significant implications for human health, particularly with the widespread use of electronic devices in today’s society. While the effects of low-level EMF radiation exposure on the BBB may not be immediately apparent, long-term exposure could potentially lead to a range of neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.

It is essential to take steps to reduce exposure to EMF radiation, particularly for individuals who use electronic devices frequently. This can include using a hands-free device when using a cell phone, reducing the amount of time spent near electronic devices, and avoiding using them in the bedroom to minimize exposure during sleep and prevent difficulty falling asleep.


Now you know – the blood-brain barrier is a critical defense mechanism that protects the brain from harmful substances and maintains a stable environment for optimal neural function. There is also a potential that EMF radiation exposure can significantly affect the BBB’s permeability, potentially leading to harmful consequences for brain function. So it’s essential to take steps to reduce exposure to EMF radiation to minimize the risk of neurological disorders and promote optimal brain health.

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