Biohacker Taylor Morgan Shares His Thoughts After Using Aires Everyday
Taylor Morgan, The Captain’s Lifestyle, has spent the last 8 years studying holistic health and has influenced over 50,000 people to optimize their lifestyles. Through his own journey and the people around him, EMF protection is one piece of his overall health protocol. Taylor shares his opinions about Aires products in his effort to be protected every day from EMF exposure.
Biohack Your Life to Combat Oxidative Stress
Prolonged oxidative stress is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society and EMFs can play a huge role. Our current technology-dependent lives may be a cause for the onset of long term health effects down the road.
What Is Oxidative Stress?
Oxidative stress is becoming more prevalent, exacerbated by radiation, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. This type of stress increases your likelihood of developing certain diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and more. Take small steps to control your oxidative stress levels today.
Biohacking: An Innate Desire to Optimize Your Life
Have you ever had a really important assignment to do or event to be at, and wanted to make sure that you are at your absolute best? Or do you just want to improve your lifestyle and wellbeing through small changes? One way to do that is biohacking. Over the last decade, this has become a popular wellness trend, and EMF protection is one of the ways to do it!