Dramatic Rise in Electro-Sensitivity over the Last 20 Years

Dramatic Rise in Electro-Sensitivity over the Last 20 Years - airestech

Have you experienced symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, poor memory, difficulty sleeping, and lack of clarity in your thoughts? It may seem that these could be the results of day-to-day stress and busyness, but there may be another culprit. All of these are symptoms of electro-sensitivity, which is something more and more people are finding […]

The Hidden Health Risks of Widespread Wi-Fi: Why Awareness Matters

The Hidden Health Risks of Widespread Wi-Fi: Why Awareness Matters - airestech

Discover the hidden health risks of widespread Wi-Fi and why increased awareness is crucial. With billions of Wi-Fi enabled devices and hotspots everywhere, it’s important to understand the potential dangers of Wi-Fi radiation. Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves can increase cancer risk, impact brain development, reproductive organs, and cause stress and headaches. Some countries have taken precautionary measures, but many rely on outdated studies. Stay informed, minimize exposure, and protect your health.

Balancing Computer Usage and Health in the Digital Era

Balancing Computer Usage and Health in the Digital Era - airestech

As we rely more on computers, it’s important to consider the health implications of the electromagnetic radiation they emit. Prolonged exposure to computer radiation can potentially lead to various health issues. To mitigate these effects, consider changing usage habits and using protective measures such as laptop shields and maintaining a safe distance from the screen.

Computer electromagnetic radiation: facts

Computer electromagnetic radiation: facts - airestech

Computer EMF information These days it is next to impossible to live without both a cellphone and a computer. What we don’t consider while using these devices for hours on end every day is how they can harm us in the long run. In order to reduce the radiation levels you are exposed to, it […]

How to protect yourself from computer radiation

How to protect yourself from computer radiation - airestech

Discover the potential health risks associated with computer radiation and learn how to protect yourself in this technology-driven era. With the majority of Canadians owning multiple electronic devices, including computers, laptops, cellphones, and tablets, it’s crucial to be aware of the alarming amount of radiation these devices emit. From reduced sperm count to DNA fragmentation and an increased risk of cancer, the effects of prolonged exposure to computer radiation are concerning. Explore effective measures such as maintaining distance, using shielding devices, taking regular breaks, optimizing your workspace, and considering EMF protection products to safeguard your health. Prioritize your well-being in the digital age by understanding and minimizing the impact of computer radiation.

Can electronic devices be harmful to your health?

Can electronic devices be harmful to your health? - airestech

Electric universe Today, our life relies upon electronic devices like never before. At any point in time, we are surrounded by multiple devices: computers, laptops, and cellphones, to name a few. We are dependent on them for food, communication, entertainment, navigation, work, medical procedures, and lots more. They are convenient and it is becoming increasingly […]

Can your desk job be harming your health?

Can your desk job be harming your health? - airestech

For most of us, work means staring at our computer screens for 8 hours a day, if not much longer. Our computers and laptops emit harmful electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and to make matters worse, office spaces usually mean many computers or laptops in use simultaneously with little distance between them. Wi-Fi routers also emit strong […]